Use The Summer To Prepare Your Home For Sale

The summer is a great time to prepare your house for sale – so here are some suggestions of what to do to get your house ready for viewings. All of these ideas are free (or very low cost) and just require some of your time to do – and what better time than during the summer?
The first thing is to start looking at your home as if you were looking at it for the first time. You will need to emotionally detach yourself from your home – because that’s how you’ll be able to make the changes you need to, to sell your property.
Declutter, fix and rearrange
It’s time for a good ole clear out! Decluttering helps to open up rooms and will make a difference in how tidy it looks. It will also help when you’re ready to pack and move – so get rid of the “spare” saucepans and ‘used once in 8 years’ waffle maker in the back of the kitchen cupboard, and clear those kitchen worktops. Box up (and label!) those things you want to keep, and store them in sensible places (loft/corner of the garage) and take everything else you don’t want to a charity shop or recycling centre. Remove fridge magnets and kids drawings from the fridge. How many bottles of shampoo and shower gel do you need on the side of the bath? This is a great time to stock take, throw away and put away.
Get the whole family involved – challenge the kids to nominate 5 toys each to donate to the local children’s hospital. Go through all your clothing and shoes – bag up and donate to charity (or sell on eBay?) and your wardrobes will instantly look better.
That lock on the bathroom door that’s hanging on with one screw? Drippy tap in the utility room? Get the toolbox out and fix it! You and your family may have put up with it for years, but a potential buyer may be put off by little distractions like these.
Would the dining table look better in the middle of the room? Do you really need two coffee tables in front of the sofa? Move things around to really show off the best features and space of the rooms. Make it homely but less personal to you.
Clean, clean, clean
Windows and patios – clean and jet wash. Get all the cobwebs out of the corner of the hallway. If you have pets, de-fur as much as possible. Give nets, blinds and curtains a clean. Get out in the garden and trim back, tidy, deadhead and weed.
As you find user guides for your heating system and any appliances that you’re going to leave behind, put them together in a folder for the new owners – it’s a real boon for them to know that the bottom drawer of the oven is not just for storage but actually a warming drawer!
All in all, you’re aiming to make your house look open, clean, with minimum fuss for a buyer to fall in love with it. And if you need some advice, give us a call – we’d be happy to help.